[Samba] Mapping Windows groups to Unix ones on Samba 2.2

Laurent Blume laurent.blume at infores.com
Thu Jan 13 15:45:30 GMT 2005

Hi all,

Now that I've got Samba 2.2.12 running correctly on that HP-UX box, I 
need to allow write access to a given AD domain group.

What is the right way to do it on Samba 2.2?
I added a group.map file in smb.conf, and a line inside that said:
unixgroup = "AD Domain Group"

Then in smb.conf, I put in [global]:
         groupname map = /etc/opt/samba/group.map

And in the correct share, I put the following:
         valid users = @unixgroup
         read list = @unixgroup
         write list = @unixgroup

I did not restart Samba, but from what I understand, the config file was 
automatically reloaded. SWAT did display the new values.

The users' login were already mapped in the user.map file, and that 
works fine.

However, after doing that, the persons in the AD group still had no access.

Putting the unix users directly in the unix group does work, but of 
course, is a much less clean solution.

Any hint or pointer to documentation? I was only able to find some for 
the 3.0 version, which is quite different for that :-/



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