[Samba] Protection Fault error (Win XP, FC3, Samba 3.0.10)

Nikolas N. Demiridis synthesis at freemail.gr
Wed Jan 12 11:24:30 GMT 2005

I recently installed FC3 with Samba 3.0.10 on an old Pentium PC on my
corporate LAN. The reason (besides testing Linux Interoperability with
Windows Network) was to share a printer (HP DeskJet) among the Windows
clients and use the ps2pdf command in order to give the ability to network
users create PDF documents, without using Adobe Acrobat (I created a PDF
I installed Samba and I followed everything mentioned on Samba HOWTO in
order to share Printers and Folder in my Linux machine. At the end, my
smb.conf looked like this:
    workgroup = MYDOMAIN
    server string = Linux (FC3)
    interfaces = eth*
    security = DOMAIN
    auth methods = winbind
    password server =
    admin users = nikolas, root, MYDOMAIN\administrator, MYDOMAIN\nikolas
    printer admin = nikolas, root, MYDOMAIN\administrator, MYDOMAIN\nikolas
    hosts allow =,
    hosts deny =
    cups options = raw
    guest account = nobody
    printing = cups
    printcap name = cups
    comment = Printer drivers for Windows Terminals
    path = /etc/samba/printerdrivers
    write list = nikolas, root, MYDOMAIN\administrator, MYDOMAIN\nikolas
    browseable = No
    path = /tmp
    browseable = No
    comment = HP DeskJet 3820
    path = /var/spool/samba
    printable = Yes
    printer name = DeskJet-3820
    comment = Shared Files in SMB
    path = /shared
    read only = No
    comment = PDFs created by PDF_Printer
    path = /PDF
    read only = no
    comment = PDF Printer
    path = /tmp
    printable = Yes
    guest ok = yes
    printer name = PDF
    print command = /usr/bin/printpdf %s %m
The /usr/bin/printpdf is the following script with a+rwx permissions.
DATE=`date +%b%d`
/usr/bin/ps2pdf $1 $OUTDIR/$2.$DATE.temp
mv $OUTDIR/$2.$DATE.temp $OUTDIR/$2.$DATE.pdf
rm $1

My problems are with the Printer shares. When I try to view properties of HP
Deskjet 3820 from Win XP Client I get the following error:
Function address 0x60630d26 caused a protection fault. (exception code
Some or all property page(s) may not be displayed.
Even if i ignore this error and try to print on this printer, then the same
error appears and the application i used to print (e.g. notepad), crashes.
This error does not happen when trying to view properties of the
PDF_Printer, but the PDF_Printer does not creates any PDF as it should.
Also, this error does not happens from Win 98 clients!
I googled a lot, I read Samba HOWTO and any HOWTO on linuxprinting.org and
instead of clearing out, I messed everything up. Somewhere I read about CUPS
and PPDs, but I cannot understand What I should do, since even the CUPS
drivers for Win XP does not exist on CUPS.org (or I cannot understand where
to find them). In my mind there are things, like RAW, CUPS, PPD, PostScript,
Postscript drivers for non-PS printers, mixed up. I am really confused and I
really need some guidance! :-)
I would appreciate if someone could tell me what I should do (what is the
essential steps) in order to make a printer share that would actually print
from a Windows client and what I should check in order to find out why the
PDF Printer is not creating any PDF documents.
Thank you
Nikolas Demiridis

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