[Samba] Samba + LDAP Computers OU

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Mon Jan 10 14:34:27 GMT 2005

> I would like to put Computer accounts in a different OU from the user
> accounts.
> Is this possible ?

YES.  And it has been discussed many times.  The archives should provide you 
with a variety of answers.

> I read that there is a bug regarding this and that Computer accounts can
> only be created in the People OU.
> Is this still true ?

It never was true.  This is an issue relating to the NSS search base for POSIX 
accounts.  NSS *MUST* resolve all posixAccounts used by the samba server, so if 
the machine posixAccounts are not subordinate to your search base for POSIX 

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