[Samba] LDAP+samba dc docs

Bart Hendrix hendrix at worldpilot.nl
Sat Jan 8 08:26:36 GMT 2005


If you are using red hat you can also install the dependencies as rpm from: 

Greetz Bart

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John H Terpstra" <jht at Samba.Org>
To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] LDAP+samba dc docs

> Hans,
> What version of Samba are you using?
> What version of the Idealx scripts are you using? Where did you obtain it?
> To update your Perl you need to be on-line and then run:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> Follow the initialization process and then when you get a prompt execute:
> install net::ldap::ldif
> when that finishes, execute:
> install Crypt::SmbHash
> That should then have meet all dependencies for the Idealx scripts.
> The version of the Idealx scripts must match the version of Samba you are
> using because there have been a number of schema changes over the 3.x 
> series.
> - John T.
> On Friday 07 January 2005 03:39, Hans du Plooy wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks for your help and congrats on a great book - it's the best
>> samba/ldap info I've seen so far!
>> I have gone through all the relevant stuff, but I'm getting stuck on the
>> LDAP database initialisation.  With the smbldap tools I get a error that 
>> I
>> thought had something to do with a missing perl module (net::ldap::ldif 
>> or
>> something like that) - I downloaded and installed that, and managed to
>> break my perl in the process, so I can't get that particular message 
>> again.
>> Nevertheless, I looked at the "Alternative LDAP Database Initialization"
>> section in Appendix 5, assembled the script (I had trouble with it too 
>> but
>> managed to edit it to work).  Now, trying out the line:
>> ncshans:/home/hansdp/ldap-setup # slapadd -c -v -l NEWINGTONCS.ldif
>> gives me:
>> slapadd: could not add entry dn="dc=newingtoncs,dc=co,dc=za" (line=8):
>> already exists
>> slapadd: could not parse entry (line=70)
>> I'm not sure about the first error, but regarding the second one, line 70
>> looks like:
>> objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
>> I googled around and this seems to be a problem with whitespaces, mostly,
>> but I checked every line.
>> Any idea why this is causing trouble?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Kind regards
>> Hans du Plooy
>> Newington Consulting Services
>> hansdp at newingtoncs dot co dot za
> -- 
> John H Terpstra
> Samba-Team Member
> Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668
> Author:
> The Official Samba-3 HOWTO & Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556
> Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
> Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
> Other books in production.
> -- 
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