[Samba] pdbedit syntax for forcing user to change password

Paul Coray paul.coray at unibas.ch
Thu Jan 6 10:38:34 GMT 2005

Hi all

Maybe a stupid question, but I'm not able to figure this out from the 
manpage nor from the HOWTOs...

How can I force a user to change his password at next logon?
I tried:

# pdbedit -P "user must logon to change password" -C 0 -u username
# pdbedit -u username -P "user must logon to change password" -C 0
# pdbedit -P "user must logon to change password" -C 0 username
+ these without -C 0

-> Incompatible or insufficient options on command line! Usage: [...]

When I use the command without the username argument (# pdbedit -P "user 
must logon to change password" -C 0), I get:

Account policy value for user must logon to change password was 0
Account policy value for user must logon to change password is now 0

Makes no sense to me: Which user's account policy?? Is this a bug?
I use Samba 3.0.9 with ldapsam backend.

TIA for clarifying!


Paul Coray
Administrator Server und Netzwerk

Oeffentliche Bibliothek der Universitaet Basel
Schoenbeinstrasse 18-20
CH-4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 267 05 13
Fax: +41 61 267 31 03

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