[Samba] smb_trans2: invalid data

Michael Gasch gasch at eva.mpg.de
Tue Jan 4 08:45:33 GMT 2005


i also have this problem


"touch test" on smb FS ends with an timeout and error like "could not 
set time ... " although unix extensions is of

mounting with cifs does not show this behaviour


mountingJan Romportl wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have tried to solve out the 'smb_trans2: invalid data' by 'unix extensions = 
> no' as it was written in one of the previous mails. Still I have a bad 
> problem:
> when I mount like this:
> mount.smbfs //server/service /local_dir -o 
> username=my_remote_login,uid=my_local_login,gid=users,rw
> and then I try to copy a file to /local_dir as the user my_local_login, the 
> file is copied ok but then it takes a looong time to go on (perhaps when 
> changing the file's uid or attributes, or whatever...). Actually before I set 
> 'unix extensions = no', it took a long time even before any copying (after 
> copying too). So now it became little better, but still quite unusable ;-)
> Do I do something wrong, or is there a way how to solve this problem?
> Thank you very much.
> J.R.


                  Michael Gasch

            - Central IT Department -

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig


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