[Samba] Time out tuning ?

Mitch (WebCob) mitch at webcob.com
Mon Feb 28 17:19:31 GMT 2005

> Hello,
> I have a samba server running at a customer site and they have the
> follwing problem:
> Employees of that company have for extended periods sometimes
> word documents opened for editing, but it happens regularly that
> for an half hour or more no activity takes place because they are
> working on something else (it's a flower seed growing company , with pc's
> in the glasshouses and they have to monitor the seedbeds and fill in
> now and then something in in word documents). When that happens
> the word application returns a message that , "There was a sharing
> violation"
> Is this caused by a time out on the server? or the client? Is it possible
> to configure the samba server to forcefully keep the connection between
> the
> client and the server alive?

[Mitch says:] Are there any VPN's, smart switches or routers involved?

I've not seen any app timeout problems with my servers, but I know that some
routers or VPN arrangements have short timeouts / lack keep alive and can
cause this sort of behaviour.


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