[Samba] SPAM Rejection Notification

spam_notifier at ciber.com spam_notifier at ciber.com
Sun Feb 27 08:08:32 GMT 2005

A message
From:	spamnotifier at ciber.com
To:	"Samba"<samba at lists.samba.org>
Subject:	Ahollman, Selèct Softwarè Programs – at upto 80 pèrcènt  Ð&#297;scõùn&#355;
Sent:	2/27/2005 4:08:30 AM

Your message to "Ahollman"<ahollman at ciber.com>  was flagged by the spam filter used by CIBER, Inc and was not delivered to the intended recipient.  If you feel this was in error please contact your intended recipient.  Do not respond to this email as it was sent by a non-monitored mailbox.

Thank you.

Spam Administrator

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