[Samba] Delay opening office files

Hartmut Guist h.guist at ektronic.de
Fri Feb 18 14:21:50 GMT 2005


after we changed our server, we had a similar problem, that opening of 
Word documents took up to 1 minute. But this was not a problem of samba, 
but of the word document itself. The word documents which had this 
problem contained a path to a template which was on the old server and 
could not be found anymore. To fix this, you must open the document and 
update the template path "Extras-->Vorlagen und 
Add-Ins-->Dokumentvorlagen". It is also possible to remove the complete 
path, then the local normal.dot will be used as template.
Hope this helps.


Martin Bobbert wrote:
> Hi,
> we're running a pretty old samba server (Suse 7.0, Samba 2.0.7) 
> authenticating against a NT server and it always worked fine. Never 
> change a running system?
> Since we switched our clients to win2k, we sometimes have delays opening 
> office files. The delays occur irregularly, 4 or 5 times a day and take 
> up to 1 minute. I wonder if this might be an authentication problem.
> If anyone has an idea, I can also post our smb.conf or a debug log of 
> such a delay situation.
> thx

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