[Samba] Copy file NT4 to samba 3.0.10 ,but ACL lost. Why?

oota at mail.linux.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp oota at mail.linux.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp
Wed Feb 16 12:35:43 GMT 2005

I want to convert old NT4 server to samba 3.0.10 server.
old NT4 is PDC ,so I build samba server BDC.

1) set up samba to BDC( setup openldap,nsswitch.conf,etc).
   add /etc/fstab acl parameter.

2) net rpc vampire -S NTSV -U administrator%pass
   start samba,winbind.

3) copy file/directory NTSV to samba server(user=administrator) .
   samba directory = /home/Administrator (permission=744).

   but ,when copy with explorer, ACL lost.

on NT4

   file1     owner:Administrators
             group:Domain Users(rwx)

but samba

   file1     owner:root
             group:Domain Users(rx)
             group:everyone (r)

   this is original unix permission.

why acl not copy?

--- Oota Toshiya ---  oota at mail.linux.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp
NEC Computers Software Operations Unit      Shiba,Minato,Tokyo
Linux Promotion Center                      Japan,Earth,Solar system
(samba-jp President/postmaster,mutt-j/faqomatic admin,analog-jp postmaster)

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