[Samba] Problem when i join Win XP-SP2 client to samba

Joan Ramos Ramos joanr at uni-post.com
Mon Feb 14 18:03:44 GMT 2005

Hi, i have a lot of win XP clients with SP2 preinstalled and when i try to join to samba PDC i get an error:

user unknown or incorrect password.

The other clients (win 2000-SP4, NT-SP6, XP-SP1) work correctly, the problem is with XP-SP2. My version of samba is samba-2.2.8a. 

Exists any solution without having to update to last samba?

Joan Ramos Ramos <mailto:joanr at uni-post.com>
Dpto. Informática
Tel.: +34 932 232 552 (Ext. 260)
Fax.: +34 932 230 151
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