[Samba] Doubt

Jorge Bastos mysql.jorge at decimal.pt
Fri Feb 11 11:57:14 GMT 2005

Err it doesn't have nothing to have with angry or i'm clover than anybody else, i'm just me and that's it.
You're seeing that in a wrong way.

Jorge Bastos

On Friday 11 February 2005 10:41, Jorge Bastos wrote:
> Of course it's not the firewall, i'm not that dumb, firewall's disabled.
> I can do a "nmblookup machine_name"
I was trying to help by giving info that I though was useful, sorry it didnt 
work out. If I turn off my firewalls or configure them properly, findsmb 
works perfectly. You obviously are too clever for that though. It seems there 
are so many angry people on this list lately!

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