[Samba] is "security = share" maintained in 3.0.x?

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at samba.org
Wed Feb 9 12:31:04 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Carlos Knowlton wrote:
| Hi,
| I've been having a problem in Samba version 3, using "security =
| share".  When you have a share that you want to be read-only to one
| group, and read-write to another.  It ends up being read-write for both
| groups.  This behavior seems inconsistent with Samba 2.2.x behavior.
| Have the configuration options changed, or is this a bug?  This issue is
| listed on Samba's bugzilla site:
| https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1844
| and so far, the only reaction I've seen by talking to Samba people about
| it, is that "security = share" is major pain, and nobody wants to deal
| with it's problems.  Is share level security being phased out of Samba,
| or am I just missing the right configuration options?

No.  I wish we could kill it and security = server for that matter.
But I think we're going to have to fix this after all.  I really
*hate* security = share.

Hopefully we'll be able to get to this for 3.0.12.

cheers, jerry
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