[Samba] Samba works!: Samba, Kerberos, Win2K Active Directory authentication

Philip Washington phwashington at comcast.net
Sat Aug 27 23:05:53 GMT 2005

Ditirambo wrote:

>After some days, here is my personal cookbook for
>Samba in Solaris.
>I needed to share a folder in my Solaris server, but
>using my Windows Active Directory Account. Here are my
>proccess, if it can help to anyone or if anyone can
>make corrections or suggestions.
>Personal Cookbook for Samba.
>            To enable a Unix server for share folders
>for Microsoft Windows machines with authentication
>through Active Directory accounts used in the Windows
>client session. 
>            Unix Solaris 8
>            gcc compiler
>            Samba 3
>            Kerberos 5
>            OpenLDAP 2.2
>            Windows 2000 Server Domain Controller
>0. Get the software:
>            krb5-1.4.1-signed.tar               at
>            openldap-2.2.26.tar                  at
>            samba-3.0.14a.tar.gz                at
>0.1      Verify the gcc compiler (v.g. execute ‘type
>gcc’; if the program exist, the instruction return the
>path, for example /usr/local/bin)
>0.2      Verify that env var CC point to
>/usr/local/bin/gcc. (Make required modifies in the
>file /etc/profile)
>1.    Unpack the files in a temp directory. Here is
>used unixmachine# /export/programs/samba
>            tar xvf krb5-1.4.1-signed.tar
>            it creates the directory kerberos
>            tar xvf openldap-2.2.26.tar
>            it creates the directory openldap-2.2.26
>            tar xvf samba-3.0.14a.tar.gz
>            it creates the directory samba-3.0.14a
>2.      Compile and install programs. Here is made the
>explicit instruction that the programs be installed in
>/home1/. Follow this order:
>2.1.   Kerberos
>      Locate in kerberos/krb5-1.4.1/src
>      Execute 
>./configure --prefix=/home1/kerberos5 \
>make install
>2.2.   OpenLDAP
>      Locate in  openldap-2.2.26
>      Execute
>./configure --prefix=/home/openldap –-without-bdb \
>–-disable-bdb –-enable-null
>make depend
>make install
>2.3.   Samba
>      Locate in samba-3.0.14a/source
>      Put this env vars:
>export LDFLAGS=”-L/home1/openldap/lib –Wl,\
>export CPPFLAGS=-I/home1/openldap/include
>      Execute
>./configure –prefix=/home1/samba –with-winbind \
>–with-ads –with-ldap –with-krb5=/home1/kerberos5
>make install
>3.      Create a user account in your Windows 2000
>Domain Controller with the same name that your machine
>(use the lastname field). Enable option User cannot
>change password y Password never expires. 
>4.      Generate the keytab for Kerberos in your Win2k
>Domain Controller:
>C:\temp\ktpass –princ
>host/unixmachine.domain.com at DOMAIN.COM 
>–mapuser unixmachine –pass password  
>-out unixmachine.keytab
>4.1.   Copy the file unixmachine.keytab to the
>unixmachine under the directory /etc/krb5/ (It can  be
>made with ftp o scp, depending of the unix server)
>4.2.   Register the key in your unixmachine:
>            /home1/kerberos5/sbin/ktutil
>            ktutil: rkt /etc/krb5/unixmachine.keytab
>            ktutil: wkt /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
>            ktutil: q
>5.      Configure some env vars::
>6.      Generate libraries links for nsswitch
>  Copy from 
>the file libnss_winbind.so to the directory /usr/lib
>   Generate these soft links in /usr/lib/:
>ln -s libnss_winbind.so libnss_winbind.so.1
>ln –s libnss_winbind.so nss_winbind.so.1
>ln –s libnss_winbind.so nss_winbind.so.2
>7.      Generate in /etc/init.d/ the file samba:
># This file should have uid root, gid sys and chmod 
># 744
>if [ ! -d /usr/bin ]
>then                    # /usr not mounted
>        exit
>killproc() {            # kill the named process(es)
>        pid=`/usr/bin/ps -e |
>             /usr/bin/grep -w $1 |
>             /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^  *//' -e 's/ .*//'`
>        [ "$pid" != "" ] && kill $pid
># Start/stop processes required for samba server
>case "$1" in
>     /home1/samba/sbin/nmbd -D \
>     /home1/samba/sbin/winbindd
>     /home1/samba/sbin/smbd -D
>   ;;
>   killproc nmbd
>   killproc smbd
>   killproc winbindd
>   echo "Killing nmbd, smbd, winbindd OK..."
>   ;;
>   killproc nmbd
>   killproc smbd
>   killproc winbindd
>   echo "Killing OK..."
>    /home1/samba/sbin/nmbd -D \
>    /home1/samba/sbin/winbindd
>    /home1/samba/sbin/smbd -D
>   echo "Starting Samba OK..."
>   ;;
>   echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/samba { start | stop \
> | restart }"
>   ;;
>8.      Generate the file /etc/krb5/krb5.conf:
># krb5.conf template
># In order to complete this configuration file
># you will need to replace the __<name>__ placeholders
># with appropriate values for your network.
>        ticket_lifetime = 24000
>        default_realm = DOMAIN.COM
>        default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5
>        default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5
>        #forwardable = true
>        #proxiable = true
>        #dns_lookup_realm = true
>        #dns_lookup_kdc = true
>  kdc = win2kdomcontr.domain.com
>  kdc = otherwin2kdomcontr.domain.com
>  admin_server = win2kdomcontr.domain.com
>  default_domain = domain.com
>  unixmachine.domain.com = unixmachine
>  .domain.com = DOMAIN.COM
>  domain.com = DOMAIN.COM
>  .netbiosdomname = DOMAIN.COM
>  netbiosdomname = DOMAIN.COM
>9.      Generate the file /home1/samba/lib/smb.conf:
>  [global]
>    # general options
>    workgroup = NETBIOSDOMNAME
>    netbios name = unixmachine
>    realm = DOMAIN.COM
>    server string = SambaUNIXMACHINE
>    security = ADS
>    idmap uid = 5000-100000000
>    idmap gid = 5000-100000000
>    winbind enum users = Yes
>    winbind enum groups = Yes
>    winbind nested groups = Yes
>    log level = 1
>    template homedir = /home1/samba/%D/%U
>    template shell = /bin/bash
>    encrypt passwords = yes
>    password server = win2kdomcontr.domain.com 
>comment = Shared data
>path = /home1/samba/users
>valid users = NETBIOSDOMNAME\anygroup
>browseable = yes
>writeable = yes
>10.  Modify the file /etc/nscd.conf:
>        enable-cache            hosts           no
>        enable-cache            passwd          no
>        enable-cache            group           no
>11.  Register the computer account into Active
>  /home1/kerberos5/bin/kinit administrator
>(put the password for the domain administrator)
>  /home1/samba/bin/net ads join 
>  (This send a message indicating that the computer
>has joined to the domain; verify the computer account
>in Active Directory Users and Computers)
>(Optionally, use net ads join –debuglevel=10 to debug
>12.  To test the communication with Active Directory,
>execute getent passwd. This command shows the passwd
>content and the Active Directory accounts.
>Additionally, execute /home1/samba/bin/wbinfo –u or
>/home1/samba/bin/wbinfo –g to list the users or groups
>from Active Directory.
>13.  Execute /etc/init.d/samba start to start the
>Samba daemons. The final test is to open from Windows
>machine the server with Start/run/\\unixmachine
>Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
Thanks for the info. Do you have a web site where this could be posted

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