[Samba] couldn't find service %u on 3.0.14a

Bill Witts samba at billwitts.co.uk
Tue Aug 23 08:31:40 GMT 2005


>| Anyway, I found a workaround. My Unix usernames are the
>| same as my NT  usernames. So I just changed %u to %U to
>| see what happened, and the problem has gone away.
>This is actually how it is supposed to work.  The %u
>requires an active connection to a share, but the domain
>logon happens outside any any given share.  So the %u is
>not expanded when sent back the client in the NET_USER_INFO_3
>structure (part of thje samlogon reply).

Ok ... that makes sense - is this a change since 3.0.7 or before?  I just 
wonder, because it used to work - lots of guides out there use %u in this 
context, such as:

OTOH, now that I actually come to re-read man smb.conf, it shows the %U 
examples everywhere, so now I know where I *should* have looked...

Anyway, looks like bug 2751 is easily crossed off, then!



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