[Samba] Re: Accent problem

Carlos Vidal yorugua at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 16:41:23 GMT 2005

> I just wonder how to setup samba to correctly handling accentued caracter.
> ...
> unix charset = ISO8859-15
> display charset = ISO8859-15

The short answer is:

> dos charset = 850
> unix charset = UTF8

The long answer is more complicated and here it goes :-)

- There is a charset used by the file system to write its directory
entries, this is the "unix charset".
- There is a charset used by Win*, and is the one used by Samba to
send the data over the wire. This is defined with "dos charset".
- There is a charset used to display the file names on your screen.
This depends on your shell and graphical environment (if any). In most
cases it follows your LANG environment variable, but some graphical
terminals like kterm can have their own charset. This means that your
file names may be OK in Win* and in the file system, but when you do
"ls" you see the "?".

Therefore, proceed with care and don´t panic, check one thing at a
time until you get a consistent charset all over the way.

For France I use the setup mentioned above in smb.conf, then the
following lines in /etc/sysconfig/i18n (in Fedora), this defines the
default charsets for Linux:



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