[Samba] Minimum password works but displays wrong.

George Farris farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Wed Sep 1 18:37:35 GMT 2004

I have a Samba 3.0.3 system setup with LDAP.

I can set the "min password length" in smb.conf and the system will
respect that but when changing the password from win2k and giving it a
smaller password than set it always display "password must be a minimum
of 5 characters"

It will display this even if "min password length" is set to 7.
You won't actually be able to have a password less than 7 but it
confuses the hell out of our users.

Is there something I'm missing?  Is this a bug in Samba?

George Farris	farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Malaspina University-College - Cowichan Campus

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