[Samba] smbmount ignores uid option

Dominik Fritz dfritz at cocos-net.de
Mon Oct 4 13:45:57 GMT 2004


I have the problem that smbmount ignores the uid option. I use the 
following command for mounting a share which is located on a samba 3 server.

mount -t smbfs -o username=dfritz,uid=dfritz //i61fs1/dfritz /mnt/tmp/

A directory listing of the mounted shrare looks like:

drwxr-xr-x  1 dfritz root 4.0K Oct  4 15:39 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 root   root 4.0K Apr  6 18:04 ..
-r--------  1   6501  602 220K Sep  2 17:10 04-16-1.txt
drwxr-xr-x  1   6501  602    0 Oct  4 13:58 Software
-rw-r-----  1   6501  602 589K Aug  7  2003 dokumentation.chm
-rw-r-----  1   6501  602 4.6M Jul 23 13:55 index.chm
drwxr-x---  1   6501  602    0 Oct  4 13:57 tmp

The uid 6501 and the gid 602 do not exist on my local maschine. 6501 is 
the uid of the user account on the server who owns the files.

It seems to me, that the uid option sets only the ownership of the 
mountpoint but not of the files on the mounted share.

The described problem exists only on my compute (Suse 9.1, Samba 3.0.2a) 
but not on any other computer (OS X and several linuxes)

Any Hints?


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