[Samba] Permissions Problem
robert at spotswood-computer.net
Mon Nov 29 15:52:26 GMT 2004
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 29 November 2004 09:19, Misty Stanley-Jones wrote:
> On Monday 29 November 2004 10:03, Misty Stanley-Jones wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've got a share called [ACCOUNTING] with the following share definition:
> > path = /data/samba/shares/Accounting
> > valid users = @acct @"Domain Admins"
> > browseable = yes
> > public = no
> > read only = no
> > force group = acct
> >
> > Here is the permissions on the directory:
> > oink:/data/samba/shares # ls -ld /data/samba/shares/Accounting
> > drwxrwxr-x 9 root acct 4096 Nov 29 09:30 /data/samba/shares/Accounting
> >
> > Here is the permissions on a file in the directory:
> > -rwxrwxrwx 1 root acct 904192 Nov 29
> > 09:48 /data/samba/shares/Accounting/Invoice Recap.xls
> >
> > The permissions on this file look fine from within Windows Explorer \
> > properties \ Security. They look fine on the UNIX side. But in Excel,
> > this file is always opened as read-only. I have verified that the user
> > in question is in the acct group. Also the 'fuser' command does not
> > report anyone using the file. I would appreciate any help in figure out
> > what has gone wrong here.
> New info to add:
> If I access the share as \\corpsrv\accounting, I can write to the files.
> If I access it via its drive letter I cannot. I've just mapped it via the
> command:
> net use m: \\corpsrv\accounting
> Also it is not just Excel. I've tried to open a text file with Notepad and
> I get the same results.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Misty
> > Thanks,
> > Misty
Well, two ideas. First try shortening the share name. I've seen problems on
some clients (you didn't say which client you are using) with the longer
share names and ones that use a hyphen (not the case here). Second, I did
find a KB article 838895
(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;838895) which may
describe your problem. Even if that's not the version of excel you are using,
it might still be accurate (M$ doesn't always issue articles for bugs they
know about).
- --
Fail to learn history-repeat it.
Fail to learn rights-lose them.
Learn both-get screwed by previous two groups.
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