[Samba] Samba 3.x problem setting up DFS and XP2
Siegbert Laukas
siegbert.laukas at laukas.com
Sat Nov 27 13:46:52 GMT 2004
i tried to running Samba 3.0.9 with MSDFS under Linux 2.6.9.
The normal sharing of Directories to the Target-Server (also Samba with
same version and Linux) run's without problems.
Only the dfs-share to the same Samba-Server is not usable. The
Share-Name self is visible but without cointain.
I have compiled the new source with the "--with-msdfs" switch and have
also check the used symlink for lower case.
example: (ln -s msdfs:srvsmbp10\install2 install2)
In the samba debug-log (Level 10) the following contain is visible:
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 10] smbd/nttrans.c:map_create_disposition(340)
map_create_disposition: Mapped create_disposition 0x1 to 0x1
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 10] smbd/msdfs.c:parse_processed_dfs_path(90)
temp in parse_processed_dfs_path: .Srvpdcp10/dfsroot. after trimming \'s
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 10] smbd/msdfs.c:parse_processed_dfs_path(99)
parse_processed_dfs_path: hostname: Srvpdcp10
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/msdfs.c:dfs_redirect(395)
dfs_redirect: Not redirecting Srvpdcp10/dfsroot.
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/msdfs.c:dfs_redirect(400)
dfs_redirect: Path converted to non-dfs path
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 10] smbd/nttrans.c:map_share_mode(479)
map_share_mode: Mapped desired access 0x81, share access 0x3, file
attributes 0x0 to open_mode 0x40
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(108)
unix_convert called on file ""
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(137)
conversion finished "" -> .
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/vfs.c:reduce_name(834)
reduce_name [.] [/usr/local/samba/exports/dfsroot]
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 5] smbd/files.c:file_new(122)
allocated file structure 3158, fnum = 7254 (2 used)
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 10] smbd/open.c:open_file_shared1(1038)
open_file_shared: fname = ., dos_attrs = 0, share_mode = 40, ofun =
1, mode = 644, oplock request = 3
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/vfs.c:reduce_name(834)
reduce_name [.] [/usr/local/samba/exports/dfsroot]
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 10] smbd/vfs.c:reduce_name(902)
reduce_name realpath [.] -> [/usr/local/samba/exports/dfsroot]
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/vfs.c:reduce_name(939)
reduce_name: . reduced to (null)
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(283)
dos_mode: .
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode_from_sbuf(151)
dos_mode_from_sbuf returning d
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(315)
dos_mode returning d
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 4] smbd/open.c:open_file_shared1(1244)
calling open_file with flags=0x0 flags2=0x0 mode=0644
call_nt_transact_ioctl: function[0x00144064] FID[0x1C57] isFSctl[0x01]
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 5] smbd/nttrans.c:call_nt_transact_ioctl(2159)
/usr/local/samba/exports/dfsroot, not supported.
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(105)
error string = Die angeforderte Funktion ist nicht implementiert
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(129)
error packet at smbd/nttrans.c(2160) cmd=160 (SMBnttrans)
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(461)
[2004/11/26 00:19:18, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(471)
Does someone know's the Problems with Samba 3.0.x and DFS (Client XP2) ?
Thanks for any comment.
Siegbert Laukas
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