[Samba] du size differences
webtrekker at cox.net
webtrekker at cox.net
Wed Nov 24 21:26:02 GMT 2004
Does no one have an idea about this problem or did this question get buried?
Please help!
> From: <webtrekker at cox.net>
> Date: 2004/11/19 Fri PM 06:09:30 EST
> To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
> Subject: [Samba] du size differences
> We just upgraded several clients and a server to SLES9. The clients mount a SMB volume on the server and when a du command is ran across the network the sizes are vastly different. Using NFS or looking at the directory via ssh and the sizes match.
> Is there a switch I am missing that "fixes" this? Using an older RH7 client to the SLES9 server did not have this issue.
> Thanks for your help,
> Patrick
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