[Samba] Re: bit by 3.0.8 username map affect on homes share,
Tom Schaefer
tom at umsl.edu
Mon Nov 22 13:45:18 GMT 2004
Thanks to nobody I came up with a solution on my own. All my username map entries now require two mappings, the domain one which is used for authentication and just the username by itself which does the homes share.
Like so...
fred = MYDOMAIN\fredw fredw
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:40:36 -0600
Tom Schaefer <tom at umsl.edu> wrote:
> Samba is a domain member server authenticating to a MS-Windows domain
> controller.
> With 3.0.7 and all previous version for the past few years I could map a
> Windows to Unix userid in the username map file like so..
> fred = fredw
> His home directory was then accessible as \\servername\fredw so
> \\servername\%username% from a Windows NTx client.
> I make EXTENSIVE use of that functionality.
> I missed the 3.0.8 release where I take it this actually changed but after
> spending hours today with the 3.0.9 release today I eventually figure out
> that my username map now has to have entries like so..
> fred = MYDOMAIN\fredw
> fine I can deal with that, but what's killing me is that then a share
> named fredw doesn't get automatically created via the [homes] section like
> it used to.
> With previous versions of Samba \\servername\fred,
> \\servername\homes, and \\servername\fredw where all available.
> With the new Samba only \\servername\fred and \\servername\homes are
> created, no fredw.
> A Windows NT client trying to connect to \\servername\%username% is out of
> luck since its effectively using \\servername\fredw. I have thousands of
> such clients.
> I have about 14,000 users and over 2500 of them require username mappings
> in my username map file and they all access their home share as
> \\servername\%username%.
> Have mercy on me oh gods of Samba.
> Thankyou,
> Tom Schaefer
> Unix Admistrator
> University of Missouri St. Louis
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