[Samba] Re: Recycle does not work in [homes]
Matthias Spork
hallo at matthiasspork.de
Sun Nov 14 01:32:33 GMT 2004
Hallo Robert,
I put the recycle-configuration in every share, I want to activate it for.
comment = Home Directories
path = /home/%S/.documents
valid users = %S
read only = No
browseable = No
vfs object = recycle
Robert S schrieb:
>>Send your conf please.
>Incidentally - I've done a workaround where
>/home/<user>/.documents/RECYCLER is symlinked to a location in /tmp. Seems
>to achieve a similar result. I'd be interested to know whats happening here
> workgroup = HOME
> netbios name = MYSERVER
> server string = Samba Server
> encrypt passwords = Yes
> smb passwd file = /etc/samba/private/smbpasswd
> log file = /var/log/samba.log
> socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
> lock dir = /var/lock/samba
> printing = cups
> printcap name = cups
> time server = yes
> dos filetimes = yes
> fake directory create times = yes
> dos filetime resolution = yes
> delete readonly = yes
> vfs object = vscan-clamav,recycle
> vscan-clamav: config-file = /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf
> recycle: config-file = /etc/samba/recycle.conf
> comment = Home Directories
> path = /home/%S/.documents
> valid users = %S
> read only = No
> browseable = No
> path = /pub
> create mask = 774
> force group = users
> read only = No
> guest ok = Yes
> browseable = yes
> comment = All Printer
> path = /var/spool/samba
> browseable = yes
> printable = yes
>My recycle.conf:
>name = .recycle
>maxsize = 10000000
>exclude = *.tmp|*.temp|*.o|*.obj|~$*
>excludedir = /tmp|/temp|/cache
>noversions = *.doc|*.xls|*.ppt
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