[Samba] 3.0.8 and looong logout time
Filipi Vianna
filipi at em.pucrs.br
Wed Nov 10 16:40:16 GMT 2004
I was experiencing the same problem with 3.0.7 and I read some
mail in this list that saids that with 3.0.5 the logout was
I was thinking in upgrade to 3.0.8, so when I read your message,
I decided to downgraded to 3.0.5... And everything is fine now.
There was only one problem, the inetd was hanging and stoping my
samba, so I changed to use the samba deamons outside the inetd...
And all the users are happy now...
Filipi Vianna
Laboratório de Mecânica Computacional (DEMM)
Faculdade de Engenharia - PUC-RS
3320-3500 ramal: 4053
On 2004-11-09 20:19:32 -0200 Misty Stanley-Jones <misty at borkholder.com> wrote:
> I've got two WinXP SP2 users. Roaming profiles. One of them takes about 25
> seconds to log out unless she has made pretty drastic changes to her profile
> (My Documents, etc). My second user takes upwards of 3 minutes to log out,
> even if he has just logged in, not opened a thing or made changes, and then
> logged back out. Below is part of a strace as I don't know what I'm looking
> for. Any ideas in debugging this? I do have ACLs enabled but this was
> happening before I enabled them too.
> My understanding was that the network profile just gets checked against the
> local one, and any changes are written to the server upon logout. It almost
> looks like, for him, it is writing his entire profile back to the network
> every time he logs out. It certainly feels like it!
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " change_to_user: Skipping user "..., 54) = 54
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 3] smbd/tr"..., 70) = 70
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " call_trans2qfilepathinfo: TRAN"..., 62) = 62
> fstat64(27, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=793069, ...}) = 0
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 3] smbd/tr"..., 70) = 70
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " call_trans2qfilepathinfo dwayn"..., 139) = 139
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 8] smbd/do"..., 54) = 54
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " dos_mode: dwayne/WinXP/My Docu"..., 78) = 78
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 8] smbd/do"..., 64) = 64
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " dos_mode_from_sbuf returning \n", 32) = 32
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 8] smbd/do"..., 54) = 54
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " dos_mode returning \n", 22) = 22
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 10] smbd/t"..., 71) = 71
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " call_trans2qfilepathinfo: SMB_"..., 58) = 58
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 9] smbd/tr"..., 64) = 64
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " t2_rep: params_sent_thistime ="..., 84) = 84
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 9] smbd/tr"..., 64) = 64
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " t2_rep: params_to_send = 2, da"..., 78) = 78
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 6] lib/uti"..., 59) = 59
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " write_socket(22,88)\n", 22) = 22
> send(22, "\0\0\0T\377SMB2\0\0\0\0\210A\310\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 88, 0)
> = 88
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 6] lib/uti"..., 59) = 59
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " write_socket(22,88) wrote 88\n", 31) = 31
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> select(25, [22 23 24], NULL, NULL, {60, 0}) = 1 (in [22], left {60, 0})
> read(22, "\0\0\0)", 4) = 4
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 10] lib/ut"..., 80) = 80
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " got smb length of 41\n", 23) = 23
> read(22, "\377SMB\4\0\0\0\0\30\7\310\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0"..., 41) = 41
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 6] smbd/pr"..., 58) = 58
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " got message type 0x0 of len 0x"..., 35) = 35
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 3] smbd/pr"..., 58) = 58
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " Transaction 151010 of length 4"..., 34) = 34
> time(NULL) = 1100038555
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:55, 5] lib/uti"..., 50) = 50
> time(NULL) = 1100038556
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, "[2004/11/09 17:15:56, 5] lib/uti"..., 50) = 50
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " size=41\n", 10) = 10
> geteuid32() = 1011
> write(30, " smb_com=0x4\n", 14) = 14
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