[Samba] installing printer in a logon script
Tomasz Chmielewski
mangoo at interia.pl
Mon Nov 8 14:02:05 GMT 2004
Paul Gienger wrote:
> It really sounds like you're not understanding what we're telling you.
> You need to store the printer driver on the samba server so that when
> you issue the rundll command, with the /in switch, your client knows
> what you're talking about. To do this, go to a windows machine that is
> already on your network, try your personal station, seems to work well
> for me. Follow through the part that I sent the address to. Really.
> When you are done, you should be able to run (from your server)
> rpcclient servername
> and then once logged in do an enumdrivers and see them listed. You
> should also be able to do an enumprinters and see more interesting
> information. If these commands don't work, stop and re-examine your
> setup. Any number of things could be wrong so perhaps tell us what you
> get from those commands.
> When you are done, you should be able to walk over to any machine, issue
> your rundll command from the command line and all that will happen is
> that a box will come up saying that it is installing the printer <name>
> from <host> (or possibly the ip depending on your version of samba) and
> it should just go away. Now if you're using 3.0.7 (I believe) there is
> a known bug in these routines that will cause some issue with your
> naming. You'll have to play around with your rundll command and the
> printer names to get it right. If you get here, post your enumprinters
> and enumdrivers output from above and maybe a valid statement can be
> made for you.
No, sorry, this won't work for me.
My printer-install have to fulfil the following assumptions:
1) printer is installed *fully* automatically - no end-user user
2) as admin can reach Samba and only Samba remotely (and only remotely),
there can be no walking to a workstation and adding a printer from there.
To sum up:
a) admin knows what printer do they have in these remote offices,
b) admin copies drivers to samba remotely, changes some logon scripts -
and users of that remote office have printer drivers installed.
It seems I could do it with "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry ..." -
but I can construct a valid command to point to the drivers.
I tried it like that:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /q /y /ga /if /f
\\server\shared\HP_2000C\hp_2x00c.inf /in /n \\server\HP_2000C
But it seems to me that Windows is simply ignoring /if /f flags, because
it doesn't print any error (even with no /q) when I put some nonsense
instead of the location of the ini file.
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