[Samba] Samba help
Gémes Géza
geza at kzsdabas.sulinet.hu
Mon Nov 1 22:37:14 GMT 2004
Mandrake's default setting is to have:
map to guest = bad user
in the smb.conf.
This means, that if your Windows user doesn't exist on the Mandrake box,
it will get mapped to guest.
I suppose your
share definition doesn't have a public = yes, or guest allow = yes line?
So I see three possible solutions here:
- Specify map to guest = never, in this way your windows users would get
prompted for a username/password when they connect
- Create the corresponding usernames/passwords on the mdk box (both
useradd xyz, and smbpasswd -a xyz)
- Allow guest access to public.
About WINS:
if your network is part of a bigger one, your needs could vary depending
of your setup:
-permanent vs. temporary connection
-static IP addresses vs. DHCP
-having a WINS server on the bigger network or not.
> Thanks for the help, I've gotten a little further, now my samba server
> shows up in network neighborhood, but when i try to access it it says
> "\\MOSES\public is not accessible. You might not have permission,
> blah blah '' any ideas why i can't access it? do i need to add the
> username logged into my windows 2003 box to the smb.conf?
> about the WINS server, ive never had any experience setting a WINS
> server up. which box would work better as a WINS server, the same box
> that the samba server is on? one of the windows 2003 machines? or
> should i make a seperate machine for it? and will this affect the
> wider network that my smaller network is connected to? thanks again.
> -zak
> */Gémes Géza <geza at kzsdabas.sulinet.hu>/* wrote:
> Hellraiserr0 írta:
> >Hi,
> >I have a network in my room with three computers right now, two
> connected to a Lynksys router, that router is connected to a wider
> network, then to the internet.
> >The three computers i have in my room are:
> >laptop running Windows Server 2003, connected to a wireless router
> >desktop running Windows Server 2003, connected to the router in
> my room
> >desktop running Mandrake 9.2 connected to the router in my room
> >i'm trying to get my mandrake 9.2 to run a samba server that will
> allow my two windows 2003 computers to access shares on it. i do
> not have a domain controller, just a small home network with a few
> routers. i am having alot of trouble getting the samba server to
> work correctly. First, when i use LinNeighborhood, i can see all
> my other windows computers on my network. When i open Network
> Places on my windows 2003 computers, i cannot see my mandrake
> machine shares. however, if i go to Entire Network/Microsoft
> Windows Network i see my workgroup name (MSHOME) but i also see an
> additional workgroup named MDKGROUP. When i open MDKGROUP it says
> "unable to open mdkgroup, you might not have permission blah blah"
> but earlier, i COULD open it, and when i did i saw a Samba Server
> vsomething.something(LOCALHOST). and when i opened that, i say the
> folder on the mandrake box that i was sharing, but when i tried to
> open it, it gave me an error saying i didnt have permission. i'm
> very confused
> > and cant seem to even browse my mandrake shares. im also
> confused as to why there is a MDKGROUP workgroup, when i specified
> "workgroup = MSHOME" in my smb.conf. can someone PLEASE help me?
> thanks in advance
> >-zak hellraiserr0 at yahoo.com
> >
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> >
> In order for Network Neighborhood, LinNeighborhood, etc to work
> better
> you should set up one of your computers as a WINS server, any of them
> (Samba ,W2k3) are able to do this. Then configure the other two to
> use
> this WINS server. It seems that you currently are using broadcast
> node
> discovery, which could be very ineficient even in such a 3
> computers setup.
> Cheers
> Geza Gemes
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