[Samba] Accounts are getting dsiabled
Collen Blijenberg <MLHJ>
systeembeheer at hermanjordan.nl
Tue Jun 29 13:00:55 GMT 2004
Hmm, not shure, did you look at the eventlog from your win box ??
i had something alike, (before 304) and the win log showed that
the password change was corrupt (was a bug before 304)..
there might be some debug info there..
for the rest, i dunno..
Collen Blijenberg (Montessori Lyceum Herman Jordan)
Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 10:10:56 AM, you wrote:
TL> Hi
TL> I have a problem with samba 3.0.5pre1.
TL> Many of my users are disabled by samba
TL> and I can't find the reason why.
TL> Here is an example of an user disbled by samba:
TL> Unix username: christ
TL> NT username: christ
TL> Account Flags: [DU ]
TL> User SID:
TL> S-1-5-21-3371203057-3264423045-2392767973-4030
TL> Primary Group SID:
TL> S-1-5-21-3371203057-3264423045-2392767973-1213
TL> Full Name: Lehrer Karlo Christ
TL> Home Directory: "\{}\{}wilma2\{}christ\{}profile"
TL> HomeDir Drive: Z:
TL> Logon Script:
TL> Profile Path: \\WILMA2\profile
TL> Domain: WMS-NET
TL> Account desc:
TL> Workstations:
TL> Munged dial:
TL> Logon time: 0
TL> Logoff time: Fre, 13 Dez 1901 21:45:51 GMT
TL> Kickoff time: Fre, 13 Dez 1901 21:45:51 GMT
TL> Password last set: Mit, 16 Jun 2004 14:31:37 GMT
TL> Password can change: Mit, 01 Jan 2003 00:00:01 GMT
TL> Password must change: Fre, 15 Jan 2027 00:00:09 GMT
TL> Last bad password : 0
TL> Bad password count : 0
TL> In log-files I can only find a massage the account is disabled when the
TL> user tries to login. (LogLevel 2).
TL> I also found two messages with a wrong password before.
TL> Can anybody help my why samba is disabling many of my users?
TL> Regards, Tilo
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