[Samba] XP-client logs in,
but does not load profile from server and only uses a local one.
webmaster at cyberworldz.org
Mon Jun 28 15:05:54 GMT 2004
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 16:32:11 +0200 (CEST), Peter Ulrich Kruppa
<kruppa at pukruppa.net> wrote:
> In fact setting up the profiles is the biggest problem with samba. Here
> are some things you might check:
Ich weiss. ;) Alpträume...
I know. ;) Nightmares..
> 1) You have distinguish the share name in [...] from the the unix
> path. So if your service is called \\%L\Profiles\%u\ in
> [global] section, then you need to have a section [Profiles]
> with the correct UNIX path, p.ex. /usr/local/profiles .
> Small typos like /usr/local/Profiles or [profile] will make it
> unavailable.
Das war das erste was ich ausprobierte. ;)
This was the first thing i checked. ;)
> By the way: I use a capital %U and no slash at the end. I
> don't know if that makes a difference.
Keine ahnung... ;)
No idea... ;)
> 2) The user profile directory has to exist before the first
> login. XP can fill up the user profile directory but not
> create one. You can create the directories manually or in case
> you need very many profiles, there exist simple scripts which
> create them for you.
Wo finde ich denn die scripte? Ich sagte ja schon dass das profil mit XP
hochladen konnte.
Where do i find those scripts? As i said XP could fill up the directory. I
loaded the profile to the server with XP.
> 3) The user needs to own his profile and he needs full
> permissions on it. See your system's manuals about chown and
> chmod .
Ich hatte mich schon mal mit dem lokalen admin eingeloggt und dann auf das
share zugegriffen. Dabei hab ich mich da als der user (=%u) eingeloggt und
konnte problemlos lesen und schreiben. Deswegen hab ich erst angefangen
mich so zu wundern.
I logged in as the local admin to the client and accessed the share as the
user (=%u). Then i could read and write to it without any problems. That's
why i started wondering...
> These were my ideas: I hope one of them helps.
Leider nicht... Ist wohl was komplizierter...
Sadly not... It seems to be somewhat more complicated...
Danke trotztem erstmal...
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