[Samba] Automounting Samba Shares
Markus Klimke
m.klimke at tu-harburg.de
Tue Jun 22 10:45:24 GMT 2004
Hi all,
I'm trying to (auto)mount the home directories of my users via samba3 to
cut down nfs if it works. If I add an entry to the fstab, root is able
to mount the share, if the appropriate kerberos ticket is available. But
I can't mount it as a usual user, just works, if I mount it into the
home directory. But I want to mount the home directory and don't want to
create a temporary one to mount the real one there. So I've chowned to
the user which shall have it... and it works. But I can't unmount it (???)
With autofs it doesn't work either, telling me:
do_mount //samba/user /mnt/autofs/samba type smbfs options krb using
module generic
mount(generic): calling mkdir /mnt/autofs/samba
mount(generic): calling mount -t smbfs -s -o krb //samba/user
>> 7422: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied).
>> SMB connection failed
Every homedir can be accessed via //samba/USERNAME
Has anyone a hint?
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