[Samba] Need a working model of smb.conf for a PDC
Matthew Koster
MKoster at intldata.ca
Fri Jun 18 14:20:57 GMT 2004
I have no idea how to set up tdbsam, if its easy I will try it out.
My clients are WinXP based for the most part, some 2K, some 98, I had it
working a few days ago, everything but the changing of the passwords from
the ctrl+alt+del menu. I had it where it seemsed to autocreate the machine
users (i.e. matt-idc$) using the "add machine script=" variable, however now
when I try (after a reinstall cuz of a minor messup) I get errors of
usernames not existing, even though I have all the usernames in the system.
If you have a minor tutorial on how to set up tdbsam I will take a look at
I so most of my administration though Webmin, but if I can get ti to auto
add users and machines I won't exactly need it. The ohter good thing about
Webmin is that its very easy to create domain groups and map them to local
linux groups so that group based mapping are a sinch wih the use of
If webmin can be used to work with tdbsam instead of smbpasswd I would very
much like to persue it.
> Is that a smbpasswd or a tdbsam backend? I have 3.0.4 working as a PDC
> without pam or ldap, using tdbsam. I believe that tdbsam is the
> recommended way to go for new installations as of samba 3.x.
> What clients are you using?
> What problems are you having now?
> On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 22:45, Matthew Koster wrote:
> > Having some major troubles with smb and making it a PDC
> > For 2 weeks now I have been testing, and retesting. At one point I had
> > all working except for password changing. Has anyone goten Samba 3.0.4
> > work correctly as a PDC with an smbpasswd back ground (not pam or ldap).
> If
> > so could you please send me a working copy of your SMB file (only core
> > components needed, no need for shares or anything). Thx in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Matthew Koster
> > Customer Support Technician
> > International Datacasting Corporation
> > http://www.intldata.ca
> > 613-596-4120 ext 254
> >
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