FW: [Samba] print$
samba at bytron.com
Fri Jun 18 09:28:29 GMT 2004
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-bounces+samba=bytron.com at lists.samba.org
[mailto:samba-bounces+samba=bytron.com at lists.samba.org]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 3:02 PM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] print$
I have installed samba on a linux OS suse 8.1. I have a printer installed
locally on the machine. I can see the printer in SWAT.
I want to be able to connect to the printer using UNC allowing the user to
print without any users needing to be installed locally on the NT machine.
All the drivers for windows reside in the share print$ and in the sub
directory winnt4. Where does the .inf file have to reside for the NT
machine to use the necessary driver sat in print$
Kind Regards
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