[Samba] a better smbstatus for monitoring samba ?
Kit Gerrits
kit at gerritsaa.nl
Thu Jun 17 21:04:06 GMT 2004
Just a thought, but have you looked into the [net] functions lately
You might be able to get some useful information with commands like
net rpc file //open files
net rap file //different command, same purpose
net rap session //open sessions, does not seem to exist in rpc
just my 2c
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Collen Blijenberg <MLHJ> [mailto:systeembeheer at hermanjordan.nl]
Verzonden: donderdag 17 juni 2004 8:50
Aan: Becskei Robert
CC: samba mailing list
Onderwerp: Re[4]: [Samba] a better smbstatus for monitoring samba ?
isn't there a smbstatus -u=<username>, to show activities
from 1 user ??
dunno, guess the -u is a way to sort out what a user is up to!
i'll try to lookin to the rest..
Collen Blijenberg (Montessori Lyceum Herman Jordan)
Wednesday, June 16, 2004, 3:02:13 PM, you wrote:
BR> Hi,
BR> well I think it should be able to run in a console, just like Midnight
BR> Commander (so it's also usefull without X),
BR> it should have a menu for info about the system, like cpu
BR> usage, network card usage,memory, how many users are currently attached
BR> the system, up time.
BR> A menu from which you can see that what user is attached to what share,
BR> if you press enter on the user name you can see what files are currently
BR> use.
BR> It's almost like smbstatus, only that it's a bit more organized, and is
BR> easier to view what is happening on the system in case someone causes
BR> trouble it is easier to find what user had that file open. Also it would
BR> nice if in this same menu besides the username and what share that user
BR> using there would be information about user logon time.
BR> Sincerely
BR> Robert B
BR> ----- Original Message -----
BR> From: "Collen Blijenberg <MLHJ>" <systeembeheer at hermanjordan.nl>
BR> To: "Jeremy Allison" <jra at samba.org>
BR> Cc: "samba mailing list" <samba at lists.samba.org>
BR> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 08:50
BR> Subject: Re[2]: [Samba] a better smbstatus for monitoring samba ?
>> depends on it...
>> what needs to be in the tool ???
>> what options, and all...
>> (got a big holyday comming up, so got some time to crack!)
>> l8r
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Collen Blijenberg (Montessori Lyceum Herman Jordan)
>> Wednesday, June 16, 2004, 3:26:43 AM, you wrote:
>> JA> On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 09:56:04PM +0200, Becskei Robert wrote:
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> does anyone know if there is a tool in existence that can
>> >> monitor samba shares like smbstatus
>> >> but is much more advanced (and runs in console) , I mean a tool that
BR> has menues, some search
>> >> options, and things sorted out nice. A Samba realtime monitor
>> >> would be the best thing with lots
>> >> of details and lots of options.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I tried Swat, but that aint really a solution to watch who is
>> >> connected to where, neither is smbstatus
>> >> since when to many people are connected you can't see in
>> >> realtime who is using what. And that I think
>> >> is one major problem.
>> >>
>> >> I would like to have such a tool because I'm throwing the
>> >> Novell File Server out and using a Whitebox 3.0EL
>> >> instead. I wonder,...is there such a tool like Novell Monitor
>> >> ... for linux ? I mean if there aint one for samba
>> >> maybe another tool that is more advanced would be able to view
>> >> who is connected to what ? what is their IP
>> >> adress, what time did they logged on, what is the current system
BR> status, etc...
>> JA> No tool I know of currently. If anyone wants to write one (maybe a
BR> tool
>> JA> written in python ?) I'd be happy to integrate it into the source
BR> code.
>> JA> There are lots of admin options that could be added to Samba via TDB
BR> messaging
>> JA> to perform admin operations - we just need programmer enthusiasm to
BR> write such
>> JA> a tool. Anyone game ?
>> JA> Jeremy.
>> --
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