[Samba] ldap + samba + group membership problem
Matthew Koster
MKoster at intldata.ca
Thu Jun 17 17:43:42 GMT 2004
>Now, in the "netlogon" global login script that I've made : SARTUP.BAT
>I would like, to affect a drive letter for the user "joe" depending on his
>"groups membership" so :
>net use D: \\servershare\docs (joe is group membership of "docs")
>net use F: \\servershare\software (joe is group membership of "software"
I got by this using the ifmember.exe distributed my Microsoft.
By using the following syntax in the .bat I was able to map drives based on
@echo off
ifmember docs
if not errorlevel 1 goto group2
net use D: \\servershare\docs
ifmember software
if not errorlevel 1 goto group2
net use F: \\servershare\software
If you do a search of ifmember.exe you'll find the install from MS, once
you've installed it (default is something like c:\Program Files\Resource
Kit) Copy the ifmember.exe to your windows directory...
This was the easiest solution. takes a few seconds to install on a machine.
Matthew Koster
Customer Support Technician
International Datacasting Corporation
613-596-4120 ext 254
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