[Samba] Password problems with Samba-3.0.4
Matthias Spork
hallo at matthiasspork.de
Tue Jun 15 09:25:37 GMT 2004
Chris Hunter schrieb:
>I'm apparently not the first person to have this problem, but I can't
>find a fix for it anywhere on the web, or in Usenet.
>Here's the scenario:
>I upgraded from 2.2.8a to 3.0.4 during a recent hardware move.
>All of my client machines are connecting properly, but my users can't
>change passwords from their WinXP clients now. (Client error message
>"bad username or incorrect old password".)
Please post the output of
pdbedit --account-policy="min password length"
>This happens with any user account, including newly created test
>I already have 'encrypt passwords = yes' in my smb.conf file, and
>applied all the patches to the client machine, as well as the
>"require_sign_or_seal" registry hack.
You don't have to do this.
>I've manually set the password from the console, and I can login
>that password, so it's definitely not something as simple as the new
>password being thrown out by PAM.
>If this weren't a binary install from the latest samba.org RPM file,
>suspect that one of the executables or libraries were corrupted. Any
>help would be appreciated.
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