[Samba] password expiry message -
McKeever Chris
tech-mail at prupref.com
Fri Jun 11 02:48:41 GMT 2004
I have seen many archives about this, but nothing of solid answer for the fix - maybe I havent dug far enough.
I am running 2.2.8a with an LDAP backend. I am pretty sure I have it so passwords wont expire, but after changing mine today I am
prompted at a WIN2K login that it is about to expire...
any idea?
shadowLastChange: 11761
shadowMin: -1
shadowMax: 99999
shadowWarning: -1
shadowInactive: -1
shadowExpire: -1
shadowFlag: 7100670
pwdLastSet: 1086920093
logonTime: 0
logoffTime: 0
kickoffTime: 0
pwdCanChange: 0
pwdMustChange: 0
Chris McKeever
If you want to reply directly to me, please use cgmckeever--at--prupref---dot---com
<A href="http://www.prupref.com">www.prupref.com</A>
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