[Samba] printing to WinXP
scriman at mail.kz
Wed Jun 9 13:17:13 GMT 2004
Hi All!
I know, this question already was many time, but i can't find it on
I have:
First host: Linux slackware-9.1 with samba-2.2.8a.
Second host: WinXP Home Edition with shared printer (with no password).
Both computers connected in local net. When i printing from linux to
winxp by typing command:
# /usr/bin/smbspool smb://prodavec/ml-1430 1 1 1 1 --
But other peoples say, that it must print out one blank page.
Please, say me, what i need to do?
Wed Jun 9 20:07:55 ALMST 2004
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