[Samba] Can we have your vote for our Miss Marieke for the Miss
Belgium Contest ?
Mariekes Fan Club
fanclubmarieke at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 7 17:10:30 GMT 2004
We apologize for our unsollicated email. We represent the fanclub of our own Marieke, who is starting the preselection for Miss Belgium 2004.
Though beautiness and intelligence are important, the organisation organized also a webpoll. So we are creative and ask you if you would vote for our Marieke on http://www.exposed.be/cgi-bin/webvotingoost/rankem.cgi?id=oost10
There are no popups or banners, just the click on the link "enter" is enough, and she has your vote !
We thank You in advance, a virtual kiss from her !!
The Fan Club of Miss Marieke
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