[Samba] Help with: "Cannot copy Filename: The specified net
Murray Taylor
murraytaylor at bytecraftsystems.com
Mon Jun 7 00:52:49 GMT 2004
Thanks Chip,
Unfortunately I have checked for bung characters and too long pathnames
and the like ... and we are still getting this error....
I am suspicious of timeouts or something ...
On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 00:31, Chip Scheide wrote:
> >
> >Error copying file or folder - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I have not - do not wrk with linux - however,
> I have seen similar behaviour working with Mac (OS9 and OSX)
> This usually has been the result of illegal character(s) in the file or folder name, or illegal placement of legal characters. Either on the server, or on the source/destination machine.
> the following legal characters placed incorrectly can can cause the same or similar error messages:
> - file name length - if the file or folder name is too long.
> - leading spaces
> - leading periods
> - trailing spaces
> - trailing periods
> will likely choke the copy process.
> I have an applescript (which won't do you any good) that removes illegal characters in Mac file/folder names before tranfering to a windows machine. Follows is a list of characters that are removed.
> {"\\", "/", ":", ";", "*", "?", "\"", "<", ">", "|", "#", "€", return, tab}
> in case this list gets munged up during transit -
> double back slash, single forward slash, colon, semi colon, asterisk, question mark, single back slash, left arrow (shift + comma), right arrow (shoft + period), bar (shift + back slash), pound (shfit +3), bullet (option + 8 [ascii 165]) ), <return>, <tab>
> some of these characters are not possible to use on some OSes, except for colon, <return> and <tab> all of them can be inserted into a filename by a user on a Mac. Colon is the directory marker (like"/" on windows) for a Mac, and I have seen programs insert <return> and <tab> into filenames.
> Chip Scheide
> Systems Coordinator
> Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
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