[Samba] Samba, LDAP und TLS
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dj_soldate at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 4 13:47:38 GMT 2004
hey !
Then, i managed to do samba+ldap+tls but I have no client certificate..
maybe it's will help you...
I use samba 3.0.2a with openldap 2.1.23 on debian woody
my /etc/ld.so.conf
$ cat /etc/ld.so.conf
# end file#
I had a very big problem.. I had a old ldap library in /usR/lib. so ldap
compilation find this one only and not the good library which is
in/usr/local/openldap/lib :)
so I add /usr/local/openldap/lib and /usr/local/openssl/lib in my ld.so.conf
$ ldconfig
to reload librairies
$ export CPPFLAGS = « -I/usr/local/openldap/include
I/usr/local/openssl/include » LDFLAGS= -L/usr/local/openldap/lib
$ ./configure with-ldap prefix=/usr/local/samba enable-shared
$ make
$ ldd /bin/smbd
good libssl and libcrypto must be here!!!!!
$ make install
in my smb.conf i just add :
ldap ssl = start tls
restart samba
then some tests :
terminal 1 :
$ /usr/local/openldap/libexec/slapd h ldap://svrldap.tzm.fr:389 d127
enter the phras pass :
terminal 2 :
$ ssldump i lo host svrldap.tzm.fr and port 389
terminal 3 :
$tethereal i lo host svrldap.tzm.fr and port 389
try to connect on Windows 98 (I dont use Xp) with my ldap-samba user
you must see some " tls read" on the terminal 1
something like this on terminal 2:
[its just an extract]
New TCP connection #1: svrldap.tzm.fr(32790) <-> svrldap.tzm.fr(389)
1 1 0.0114 (0.0114) C>S SSLv2 compatible client hello
Version 3.1
cipher suites
Unknown value 0x35
1 2 0.0136 (0.0022) S>C Handshake
Version 3.1
16 5d 80 db ac 80 31 54 b7 1b f0 31 9b 8d f1 10
cipherSuite Unknown value 0x35
compressionMethod NULL
1 3 0.0136 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
1 4 0.0136 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
1 5 0.0181 (0.0044) C>S Handshake
1 6 0.0181 (0.0000) C>S ChangeCipherSpec
1 7 0.0181 (0.0000) C>S Handshake
1 8 0.0262 (0.0080) S>C ChangeCipherSpec
1 9 0.0262 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
1 10 0.0272 (0.0010) C>S application_data
1 12 0.0296 (0.0024) S>C application_data
and something like this on terminal 3 :
0.000000 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr TCP 32785 > ldap [SYN]
Seq=1477336127 Ack=0 Win=32767 Len=0
0.000045 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr TCP ldap > 32785 [SYN, ACK]
Seq=1478002505 Ack=1477336128 Win=32767 Len=0
0.000075 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr TCP 32785 > ldap [ACK]
Seq=1477336128 Ack=1478002506 Win=32767 Len=0
0.003345 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=1 MsgType=Bind
0.005050 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=1 MsgType=Bind Result
0.005083 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr TCP 32785 > ldap [ACK]
Seq=1477336166 Ack=1478002520 Win=32767 Len=0
0.006036 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=2 MsgType=Search
0.009912 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=2 MsgType=Search
0.010997 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=2 MsgType=Search
0.030515 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr TCP 32786 > ldap [ACK]
Seq=1472687491 Ack=1464059373 Win=32767 Len=0
0.032474 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=1 MsgType=Extended
0.032516 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr TCP ldap > 32786 [ACK]
Seq=1464059373 Ack=1472687522 Win=32767 Len=0
0.033563 svrldap.tzm.fr -> svrldap.tzm.fr LDAP MsgId=1 MsgType=Unknown
message type (24)
hope it's help :D
>From: El-nino <el-nino at gmx.li>
>Reply-To: el-nino at gmx.li
>To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
>Subject: [Samba] Samba, LDAP und TLS
>Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 15:02:34 +0200
>Hi List ;-)
>I consider my question to be rather simple one ... nevertheless I could not
>find an answer to it up to now.
>I have an OpenLDAP-server which is the user-db for an samba3-server. I want
>use TLS for secure communication, so I created a ca for this as well as
>keys/certificates for my LDAP and samba-server. Informing the LDAP-server
>about its certificate/key is easy ... but how do I let samba know about its
>key and certificate? As far as I can see, samba doesn't use the
>client-configuration in ldap.conf and therefore cannot know about the
>key/cert defined there.
>So the question is: Is samba capable of talking to the LDAP-server using a
>Hope somebody knows the answer since I am currently runnig out of ideas ;-)
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