[Samba] mysql passwd backend
Chris Verges
gte699u at mail.gatech.edu
Tue Jun 1 02:21:53 GMT 2004
I'm trying to use the mysql plugin with Samba 3.0.2 and am running
into problems with the password storing aspect of the equation.
Specifically, here is how I have the smb.conf file setup:
workgroup = SRS
netbios name = DustPuppy
passdb backend = mysql:mysql
mysql:mysql host = localhost
mysql:mysql user = samba
mysql:mysql password = blah
mysql:mysql database = samba
mysql:fullname column = fullname:
mysql:domain column = 'SRS':
mysql:lanman pass column = lm_pw:
mysql:nt pass column = nt_pw:
mysql:plain pass column = plain_pw:
mysql:unknown_3 column = NULL
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/private/smbpasswd
Now if I try to add a user either with smbpasswd or pdbedit, it
appears to accept the username gracefully.
dustpuppy root # pdbedit -a cverges
No builtin backend found, trying to load plugin
Module '/usr/lib/samba/pdb/mysql.so' loaded
Connecting to database server, host: localhost,
user: samba, password: blah, database: samba, port: 3306
Connecting to database server, host: localhost,
user: samba, password: blah, database: samba, port: 3306
new password: <entered here>
retype new password: <entered here>
Unix username: cverges
NT username:
Account Flags: [U ]
User SID: S-1-5-21-517885770-1754025824-426584352-3000
Primary Group SID: S-1-5-21-517885770-1754025824-426584352-1881
Full Name:
Home Directory: \\dustpuppy\cverges
HomeDir Drive:
Logon Script:
Profile Path: \\dustpuppy\cverges\profile
Domain: SRS
Account desc:
Munged dial:
Logon time: 0
Logoff time: 0
Kickoff time: 0
Password last set: Mon, 31 May 2004 21:16:58 GMT
Password can change: Mon, 31 May 2004 21:16:58 GMT
Password must change: Mon, 18 Jan 2038 21:14:07 GMT
And the username appears with a pdbedit -L query. But if I try to
login from a WinXP client, it simply says that I do not have a valid
password. I looked in the mysql tables, and sure enough no password
information was stored in any of the fields. For giggles, I
set "encrypt passwords = no", but nothing was stored in the plain
password column either.
I'm now at a loss for things to try. Any advice would be greatly
chris verges
gte699u at mail.gatech.edu
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