[Samba] Making a share writable for a user
alexscott at lineone.net
Wed Feb 18 17:29:13 GMT 2004
I got two machines on a network and I want to be able to use a cronjob
as a particular user to copy some files from one machine to another.
One is running window 2000 and has a folder called c:\share which is
shared and has permissions set to everyone. lets say this machine is
called winny. The other machine is running Linux Redhat 9 and Samba and
lets say it is called linny.
On both linny and winny I have a user called arthur with the same
password. I have issued the command smbpasswd -a Arthur on linny and
now I can run smbclient -L \\arthur, enter my password, and the share
called share is listed.
On linny I login as root and issue the command mount -t smbfs
//arthur/share /home/arthur/winny -o username=arthur, I enter my
password, and the share folder is mounted and I can copy files to it( As
root) but when I logon as on Arthur he cannot create files or copy to
/home/arthur/winny, he gets permission denied. A simple ls -l will
return root ownership as user and group and no write permissions for
other: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Feb 18 16:31 mount
I would like it so either the owner or the group was arthur and not
root. Or possibly that the write permissions for other were available.
My assumption is that I have missed out a bit of code and that it
probably is in the smb.conf file.
path = //arthur/share
directory mode= 0777
read only= no
guest ok=yes
Could somebody suggest to me how I might add the ownership and/or
permissions to make the mounted folder accessible to arthur?
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