[Samba] Followed John's book, frustrating smbldap-problem

Beast beast at beantransactions.com
Thu Dec 16 03:21:00 GMT 2004

Rolf A. Vaglid wrote:
> These are actualle the same computer, only with different names.
> tkelev:/var/log/samba # id tk-02870$
> uid=1001(tk-02870$) gid=553(Domain Computers) groups=553(Domain Computers)
> tkelev:/var/log/samba # id tk-test002870$
> uid=1008(tk-test002870$) gid=553(Domain Computers) groups=553(Domain 
> Computers)

1. Make sure that the workstation account is valid and not disabled.
ldapsearch -x -LLL uid=raptor$ -h ldap.server.com sambaacctflags or 
using pdbedit command.

2. turn on debuging on smbd

3. Make sure no firewall blocking samba packet (both client and server)



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