[Samba] Strange samba errors

Steffen Breitbach breitbach at chamaeleon.de
Fri Aug 27 15:10:15 GMT 2004

Hi list members!

Probably this one isn't even samba-related, but as I do not fully 
understand the error messages and this list is read by people who work 
wokr with samba more often than me, I hope someone can help me.

Okay, here is what I've got. I boot knoppix on a workstation and start a 
script, which backs up the harddrive onto another PC which is running 
Windows NT Workstation.
If only this two PCs are connected, everything works as expected with no 
errors at all.
But if I connect the rest of the companys LAN to the two PCs, I will get 
error messages. I've already changed the whole hardware (which includes 
cables to both PCs, the NICs and the Switches) with no positive effect 
at all. Only thing that helps is disconnecting the rest of the companys LAN.

The PC wich is backed up mounts the share on the NT WS and starts to 
write its harddrive-content to a tar on the share.
After approx. 250-500 MB written to the target, I will get the following 
error messages (repeatedly):

smb_get_length: recv error = 5
smb_request: result -5, setting invalid
smb_writepage_sync: failed write, wsize = 4096, result = -5
smb_file_write: //$workstation/$share/$file, error = 4294967291
smb_retry: successful, new pid = $pid, generation = 2

Okay, the thing is, that samba can't write to the target any more (if I 
don't understand this completely wrong).

But, what the heck happens in my network, if the rest of the LAN is 
connected to the switch, where the source- and target-PC of the 
backup-procedure are connected to and why will the backup fail, but will 
work if they are the only PCs connected to the switch (because of samba 

I don't get this...

Best regards

Steffen Breitbach
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