[Samba] Samba-LDAP-PDC-Howto

R.J. Baart R.J.Baart at Prompt.NL
Thu Sep 18 23:19:03 GMT 2003

There is no need to edit in pam.d directory. 
1. /etc/security/pam_unix2.conf must contain:
auth: use_ldap nullok
account: use_ldap
password:   use_ldap nullok
session: none

2. /etc/nsswitch.conf:
passwd:  files ldap
group:   files ldap
shadow:  files ldap

But read for the serious problems we had with OpenLDAP 2.1.12 
and nscd my posting from yesterday. 

> I am using the "The latest SAMBA-LDAP-PDC How-to" at
> http://www.vcs.u52.k12.me.us/LDAP/The_SAMBA-LDAP_How-to.html
> Everything went ok so far, but now I don´t get further.
> I am at the point "Configuring Linux" where the author tells me to
> uses authconfig.
> I am using Suse Linux 8.2 here and there simply is no authconfig. It
> is not installed and I cant´t find it on the CDs. Sure, I know of that
> thing called Internet...
> Should I download and install that tool?
> Is Suse somehow different in that way? Just because I am wondering
> about the fact that authconfig isn´t included ...
> Can I edit some file in /etc/pam.d to get the same results?
> I tried to find out what to edit how but I am not sure about that and
> I don´t want to screw everything up ...
> Can someone help me with explanations how to set pam_ldap up right?

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