[Samba] Any way to do Linux User home directories via Samba

George Farris farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Thu Sep 4 22:50:16 GMT 2003

On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 15:43, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
> Hrm.  I'm using GNOME 1.4, and it appears to work okay.  As for setup:
> Server: kernel 2.4.21, Kernel NFS server, exporting nfs v3 via TCP.
> Client: kernel 2.4.21, using autofs to automount /home/user, with nfsv3 over
> TCP.  
> Haven't had any problems with file locking.

As far as I remember 1.4 never had issues with locking, 2.x does. 
I realize this isn't an nfs list but did you setup an export for each
user or how did you config your autofs?

George Farris	farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Malaspina University-College - Cowichan Campus

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