[OT] [Samba] SPAM

Bob Crandell bob at assuredcomp.com
Wed Oct 15 14:47:47 GMT 2003

Tom Dickson (bombcar at bombcar.com) wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Here is the issue, and why the Samba list is basically unable to do
>If you send a message to the Samba list, it gets resent to everyone on
>the list. This message will contain a FROM: line, showing an email address.
Which should be <samba at lists.samba.org> like the other mailing lists do.

> Snip some good stuff.


Assured Computing
When you need to be sure.
bob at assuredcomp.com
Voice - 541-868-0331
FAX - 541-463-1627
Eugene, Oregon

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