[Samba] ADS Member Fileserver

Reinartz, Ralf Ralf.Reinartz at msg.maxdata.de
Fri Oct 24 08:52:37 GMT 2003



Maybe I understand it in a wrong way.


I want to set up a Samba Server as a ADS Member. The Server should work as a
File Server.

So far it works. Samba is Member in ADS (join OK). If I kinit on Samba
Maschine I get my Ticket. From a Windows Client I now can Access to the
Samba Server without any Problem. But that is not the way Users will


I want to create a share on the Samba machine and give one ADS Group (not
User) the permissions to access the Share.

As far as I understand ADS Ticket system in this case the samba server
should match the group tickets. But how does Samba get this?

Login with Netbios is OK (valid users = @DOMAIN+groupname), but this is not
the way ADS goes - and it is quit slowly.


Do I want to much or is it possible to establish such a configuration with
actual samba implementation?


Any suggestions?







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