SV: [Samba] SAMBA 3.0.0 PDC + LDAP - Adding Computer Account - Success!

Patrick thor at
Wed Nov 19 17:38:30 GMT 2003


I'm not actually using the PADL scripts to setup the posixAccount 
information.  I created my own shell scripts to add accounts to LDAP.  
The script I'm using will just add the posixAccount information to 
LDAP.  Then Samba will find the entry and add the sambaSamAccount 

There may be one other reason it is working that I did not mention 
before.  I edited by /etc/ldap.conf file and commented out this line:
#nss_base_passwd              ou=People,dc=firerun,dc=net?one
so when I do "getent passwd" the computer accounts are also returned 
with user accounts.  This may be the why it is working.


Christoph Rudorff wrote:

>Am Mittwoch, 19. November 2003 02:33 schrieb Patrick:
>>Hello All,
>>I just wanted to let everyone know how I was finally able to store
>>computer accounts in ldap with a different suffix than the users
>>accounts.  The whole problem ended up being the smb.conf file.  After
>>reading a message that Gerald Carter responded to about the ldap
>>search suffix, I decided to go make some changes and do some testing.
>>ldap suffix = dc=firerun,dc=net
>>ldap user suffix = ou=People
>>ldap group suffix = ou=Group
>>ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
>>ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
>>I can now use the add machine script to add a posixAccount object for
>Hi Patrick!
>Glad to here, that the thing works. I got the same problem. But the 
>smb.conf always looked like that! 
>So question: which version of the scripts are you using? Can you add 
>Machines "on the fly" from windows? How about the

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