[Samba] cli_pipe: return critical error. Error was Call returnedzerobyte(EOF), hilfe!

Dragan Krnic dkrnic at lycos.com
Tue May 13 17:29:14 GMT 2003

  Uhmmm... looking at that list above a second time, a 
  little bit more closely, it seems not correct (or 
  not correctly quoted?). You have only seem to have 7 
  colon-separated fields, while there are 8 required. 
  You need:
  This would *possibly* map to the files of your driver
  like this:

    Long Printer Name:\            -->  lp:\
    Driver File Name:\             -->  lexpsnt3.dll:\
    Data File Name:\               -->  OPC720.PPD:\
    Config File Name:\             -->  LEXPSNTU.DLL:\
    Help File Name:\               -->  LEXPSNT.HLP:\
    Language Monitor Name:\        -->  NULL:\
    Default Data Type:\            -->  ##### this is 
                   missing: should be "RAW" !! #####

Yeah, you're right. I've missed the RAW DDT. Now
when I complied I got the error from the subject

Something else: I tried enumdrivers. Without level
parm it shows me level 1, but if I specify level 2
or 3, it prints

   [Windows 4.0]
   Segmentation fault.

Perhaps I should scratch those nt*.tdb's and try


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