*****SPAM***** [Samba] Urgent Business Proposal

andrewbuthelezi at lycos.com andrewbuthelezi at lycos.com
Fri May 2 14:08:45 GMT 2003

---- Start der SpamAssassin Auswertung
13.20 Punkte, 7 benoetigt;
*  2.3 -- Subject is indicative of a Nigerian spam
*  0.6 -- Ungueltiges Datum: Header enthaelt AM/PM-Angabe
*  2.2 -- BODY: Contains urgent matter
*  2.7 -- BODY: Off Shore Scams
*  1.4 -- BODY: Nigerian scam key phrase (million dollars)
*  0.6 -- BODY: Nigerian scam key phrase ($NN,NNN,NNN.NN)
*  0.6 -- RBL: Empfangen von einem Relais in der relays.osirusoft.com Liste
          [RBL check: found, type:]
*  2.8 -- Message body has multiple indications of Nigerian spam

---- Ende der SpamAssassin Auswertung

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